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GentleBirth Instructor Training
Welcome to GentleBirth
Introduction and what to expect (1:08)
Let's Begin! (2:58)
Steps to Success
Reading List and Certification Process
Hypnosis Session for GentleBirth Childbirth Educators
Research Made Simple
Accessing Academic Papers (8:35)
Critically Appraising Research (19:52)
GentleBirth Research
Impact to your classes because of this research
Pain Neuroscience Education to Support Birth: A Feasibility Study
Australian research on unique antenatal class format
Nonpharmacologic Approaches for Pain Management During Labor Compared with Usual Care: A Meta-Analysis
2022 RCT - Mindful Awareness and Fear of Childbirth
September 2022 - Time to rectify past mistakes and take a woman-centred approach to labour progress
Health Belief Model (11:49)
Physiological Adaptations of Pregnancy (4:56)
What Matters to Women Around the World (6:08)
Birth as a Peak Experience (2:29)
Self Efficacy
The Psychology of Risk Perception (0:10)
Shared Decision Making
Emotional Changes of Pregnancy (4:26)
Hormones of Pregnancy (10:14)
Models of Care (4:30)
Multiples (4:09)
Physiology of Birth
Be Inspired!
The Female Pelvis (6:02)
The Fetal Skull (1:55)
The Pelvis in Labor (2:04)
Initiation of Labor (3:54)
Cardinal Signs of Labor (2:29)
Birth Hormones (8:45)
Understanding Oxytocin (19:34)
The Dark Side of Oxytocin (0:38)
Normal Birth - Why is it so Difficult for so Many? (28:31)
Midwifery Guidelines for OP Presentation
Hormonal Physiology of Birth - Sarah Buckely - Exec Summary
Hormonal Physiology of Childbirth - Full Report
3rd Stage of Labor (9:50)
Dr Rachel Reed Explores the 3rd Stage of Labor
One Birth at a Time - Documentary (12:51)
The Psychological Experience of Physiological Birth
Non-Pharmacological Pain Management
Pain and the Brain (59:17)
A Hammer in the Neck
Physiologic Basis of Pain in Labour and Delivery: 2018 Guideline
The Meaning of Labor Pain
The 'Switch' Cue
Labor Activities (3:17)
Positions in Labor (5:01)
Sterile Water Injections (2:02)
Sterile Water Injections for Back Labor (22:21)
Water Immersion for Labor (4:21)
Reflexology for Labor (5:01)
Essential Oil Use in Labor (7:24)
TENS Unit for Labor and More (4:16)
Music and Pain Perception (3:25)
Acupressure for Labor
Debra Betts - Acupressure for Labor (2:20)
Acupressure for Laboring Alone
Pharmacological Pain Management
Factors Influencing Pain Managment (4:22)
Nitrous Oxide (2:20)
Opioids (1:31)
Epidural Analgesia (7:41)
Racial Disparities and Labor Anesthesia
Routine Care in Labor
Active Management of Labor (5:56)
Dilation Patterns - New WHO Recommendations
Vaginal Exams in Labor (5:35)
Assessing Labor Progress (6:16)
Fetal Heart Monitoring in Labor (9:49)
Fetal Heart Monitoring in Labor - Assessment
New ACOG Recommendations for Care in Labor
Pitocin/Syntocinon (5:29)
Eating and Drinking in Labor (3:13)
Coached Pushing (Valsalva) (2:23)
Perineal Injury & Preventative Measures (25:52)
Birth Without Directed Pushing (17:03)
Optimal Cord Clamping (10:17)
3rd Stage of Labor
Birth Plans and Preferences (3:09)
Childbirth in the Media (39:55)
Induction of Labor
Induction of Labor (9:44)
Introduction to Breech (2:28)
Upright Breech Birth - Facilitated by Dr Frank Louwen (2:06)
Physiological Breech
A Breech in the System (43:38)
2021 Research on ECV Safety and Effectiveness (1:01)
ECV in Practice (2:52)
Moxibustion for Breech (1:49)
Breech Birth - From a Dad's Perspective
Planned Breech Birth - First Time Mom
Tina's Second Planned Breech Birth
Interview with Dr Rixa Freeze - Breech Birth Expert (50:00)
Breech Birth - What's The Evidence?
Cesarean Birth & VBAC
Cesarean Birth (22:00)
VBAC - Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (2:58)
Intro to Breastfeeding
Initiating the First Breastfeed (18:51)
Mindset Interventions for Pregnancy & Birth
Mindset & Priming (81:48)
The Monkey Trap Exercise (2:44)
Anatomy and Functions of the Brain
Brain Basics - Physiology & Function (49:35)
Old Vs New Brain
Three Brain Systems and Their Impact on Behavior (7:37)
Befriending Your Nervous System
The Neuroscience of Mental Habits (16:53)
Stress & The Implications on Maternal & Infant Health
Stress & the Implications on Maternal & Infant Health (158:03)
Brain Plasticity and Bonding
Sport Psychology and Birth Preparation
Sport Psychology and Birth Preparation (50:43)
Focus Training
Intro to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Introduction to CBT (43:38)
Adult Learning Theory
Adult Learning Theory (19:42)
The Confident Childbirth Educator
The Confident Childbirth Educator (48:28)
Final Assessment & Certification
Final Steps to Certification
Download Your Teaching Guide & Marketing Resources
Presentation Files - Europe/Australia
Presentation Materials - USA/Canada
GentleBirth Seal
The Psychology of Risk Perception
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